Family and Consumer Sciences
Family & Consumer Sciences
About this Program Area
4-H Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) projects engage youth people in many different sparks. Through skill development, career exploration, and community engagement young people who participate in FCS projects are becoming well-rounded adults who have the skills needed for long-term success. Areas of exploration within FCS include Culinary Programs, Textiles & Fashion, Nutrition Education, Financial Management, Entrepreneurship, Home Environment, and Child Care.
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County Extension Office Contacts
4-H YOUTH DEVELOPMENT A Kentucky 4-H volunteer is anyone who contributes time, energy, or talent to the Kentucky 4-H Youth Development Program and is not paid by University of Kentucky funds. Many volunteer roles involve working directly with others; others do not. There are seven specific types of 4-H volunteer roles in Kentucky. They include: Community Club Leader, Project Club Leader, Special Emphasis Volunteer, School Enrichment Volunteer, 4-H Committee Member, 4-H Council Member, Youth Volunteer,
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