Science Engineering and Technology
Science Engineering and Technology
About this Program Area
Projects in the Kentucky 4‑H SET program equip young people with the skills they need to succeed in life through a variety of hands-on learning opportunities. Project areas such as Aerospace, Agriscience, Computer Science, Electricity and Energy, Petroleum Power, Robotics, and the National 4-H STEM Challenge, help young people to develop through building relationships with other youth who share their spark for learning and doing through STEM. Youth will be challenged to expand their knowledge and be open to discovering new ideas and concepts while setting and managing goals for themselves and their project outcomes.
Through the Kentucky 4-H SET program, youth will have opportunities to connect to others with similar interests (sparks). Youth will learn to contribute their own ideas and develop the ability to listen to the ideas of others. Through this, youth utilize individual and group problem-solving and decision-making skills for engagement in their community through those connections.
Project Overview by Topic
Aerospace Computer Science Electricity Petroleum Power Robotics

County Extension Office Contacts
4-H YOUTH DEVELOPMENT A Kentucky 4-H volunteer is anyone who contributes time, energy, or talent to the Kentucky 4-H Youth Development Program and is not paid by University of Kentucky funds. Many volunteer roles involve working directly with others; others do not. There are seven specific types of 4-H volunteer roles in Kentucky. They include: Community Club Leader, Project Club Leader, Special Emphasis Volunteer, School Enrichment Volunteer, 4-H Committee Member, 4-H Council Member, Youth Volunteer,
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