Natural Resources
Natural Resources
About this Program Area
Kentucky 4-H natural resource programs provide young people an opportunity to find their spark through hands-on learning experiences. A variety of projects and activities are offered in the areas of environmental sciences, entomology, forestry, geology, soils, water, wildlife, and shooting sports. Through these programs, young people connect with other youth members and adult leaders who share similar interests and learn invaluable life skills such as wise use of resources, communication, teamwork, and critical thinking.
Shooting Sports – The Kentucky 4-H Shooting Sports program provides young people with a safe environment to explore their sparks, a place where they feel they belong, and opportunities to form relationships with caring adult mentors. The program includes comprehensive firearms education, recreational pursuits, and healthy competition. Through this young people develop life skills like teamwork, self-confidence, personal discipline, responsibility, and decision-making. 4-H Shooting Sports include archery, muzzleloading, pistol, rifle, shotgun, and hunting, and outdoor skills, with each discipline taught by a certified instructor.
Project Overview by Topic
Natural Resources Fishing Stream Team Woodworking Shooting Sports

County Extension Office Contacts
4-H YOUTH DEVELOPMENT A Kentucky 4-H volunteer is anyone who contributes time, energy, or talent to the Kentucky 4-H Youth Development Program and is not paid by University of Kentucky funds. Many volunteer roles involve working directly with others; others do not. There are seven specific types of 4-H volunteer roles in Kentucky. They include: Community Club Leader, Project Club Leader, Special Emphasis Volunteer, School Enrichment Volunteer, 4-H Committee Member, 4-H Council Member, Youth Volunteer,
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